
Music Studio

date: 2018-01-19


summary: Rails API w/ JavaScript/React/Redux front end


This post summarizes the final project I built to meet the graduation requirements for the Flatiron School (Learn Verified) Full Stack Web Developer program.

All of the requirements are met and then some.
I took this project seriously and have done the best I can given my current skills.


[X] The code should be written in ES6 as much as possible
[X] Uscreate-react-app generator to start your projec
[X] Your app should have one HTML page to render your react-redux application
[X] Tere should be 2 container components
Selected list of CONTAINERS: Lessons, Students, Teachers, Resources, LessonResources (and there are more )
[X] here should be 5 stateless components
Selected list of STATELESS FUNCTIONAL components: Student, Teacher, Resource, StudentService, TeacherService, ResourceService, LessonService ( among others )
[X] There should be 3 routes

List of routes:
/students, /teachers, /resources, /lessons (for indexs of these data groups)
/students/:id (for individual student)
/students/:id/edit (for editing individual studen
/teachers/:id (for individual teacher)
/teachers/:id/edit (for editing individual teacher)
/resources/:id (for individual resource)
/resources/:i/editd (forediting individual resource)

/lessons/:id (for individual lesson)
/lessons/:id /edit(for iediting ndividual lesson)

[X] use react-router and proper RESTful routing
[X] use async actions to send data to and receive data from a server
[X] Rails API should handle the data persistence.
[X] You should be using fetch() within your actions to GET and [] POST data from your API
[X] Do not use jQuery methods.
[X] client-side application should handle the display of data with minimal data manipulation
[X] app should have some minimal styling: feel free to stick to a framework (like react-bootstrap),
[X] write (additional) CSS yourself if you wish
[X] use Redux middleware to respond to and modify state change

Concept for the app

The idea was to create a music studio CRM and teaching tool, incorporating Students, Teachers, Resources and Lessons
Teachers can quickly add/remove Resource(s) to a Lesson, all interlinked and defined for the Student (and Teacher)
3 types of Resources are instantly rendered in a custom Resource Viewer accessible to Teacher and Student.
TheResource Viewer uses stateless function components for each of the 3 Resource types 'pdf'=PDF, 'aud'=Audio, 'vid'=Video
Rals API and Active Record provide data persistence, semantic layer and JSON data via the browser
ActiveRecord associations and Rails Serializers provide complex and solid interleaving of data, at API endpoints
React provides the framework to allow Javascript to play nicely with HTML and CSS
Redux provides the management of the "state" of the data, as it comes and goes to the database via the API

Regarding "state"...

I chose to mix both Redux state and "local" state in some components.
I learned it through research and I found that there are some things that do not need to be in the Redux state, such as:

- the temporary data someone types into a form before saving

- the visibility status of a modal or presentational component

- data that is massaged, grouped or staged prior to assembly before going to the database

Regarding CSS...

I used 3 different methods for styling.
- ReactStrap was helpful in providing a quick method to get components and data rendered in a decent view
- CSS modules and the approach of creating dedicated CSS files matching files and folders of the project, made it easy to add custom CSS when I where I needed it, without having to build it all from scratch. There are timeswhen I absolutely
insist on tweaking something visual. And there are times when I just want to throw in a component and have it work, while I grapple with some deeper thought and programming
- Inline styles. God forbid, yes there are some places where I just wanted some quick styling without creating a css file, and without importing a reactstrap component.

Example of custom styles for buttons DELETE, EDIT, SAVE:

.ResourcesList {
  color: black;
  width: 100%;

.Form {
  float: left;
  text-align: left;
  padding: 15px;
  width: 60%;
  height: 100%;
  color: rgb(75, 67, 67);
  font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;

.Danger:hover {
  background-color: rgb(238, 84, 84);

.Edit:hover {
  background-color: rgb(250, 233, 77);

.Success:hover {
  background-color: rgb(92, 243, 150);

.FormInstructions {
  font-style: italic;
  font-weight: 600;

.Disabled {
    background-color: #C7C6C6;
    cursor: not-allowed;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    color: #888888;

th {
    width: 3%;

td {
    width: 10%;

Regarding React

I hated it! Until I learned it. Now I really enjoy it.
I am happy to have found a place to use Rails as an API while using React and Redux to make the single page client side rock!

I have not learned Angular or VUEjs, but I can tell they are in my future. I am so excited at the idea of being able toput my creative ideas into practice through coding!

Building Rails API

DATA MODEL, migrations, active record relationships and sample data:


attributes :id, :firstname, :lastname, :email
has_many student has_many :lessons
has_many :lesson_resources, through: :lessons
has_many :resources, through: :lessons


attributes :id, :firstname, :lastname, :email, :level, :teacher_id
belongs_to :teac
has_many :lessons
has_many :resources, through: :lessons


attributes :id, :date, :notes, :teacher_id, :student_id, :student, :teacher
belongs_to :teacher
belongs_to :student
has_many :lesson_resources
has_many :resources, through: :lesson_resources


attributes :id, :lesson_id, :resource_id
belongs_to :lesson
belongs_to :resource

  create_table "lesson_resources", force: :cascade do |t|
    t.integer "resource_id"
    t.integer "lesson_id"
    t.datetime "created_at", null: false
    t.datetime "updated_at", null: false

  create_table "lessons", force: :cascade do |t| "date"
    t.string "notes"
    t.integer "teacher_id"
    t.integer "student_id"
    t.datetime "created_at", null: false
    t.datetime "updated_at", null: false

  create_table "resources", force: :cascade do |t|
    t.string "title"
    t.string "category"
    t.string "description"
    t.string "format"
    t.string "location"
    t.string "url", default: "no_url_given"
    t.datetime "created_at", null: false
    t.datetime "updated_at", null: false

  create_table "students", force: :cascade do |t|
    t.string "firstname"
    t.string "lastname"
    t.string "email"
    t.integer "level"
    t.integer "teacher_id"
    t.datetime "created_at", null: false
    t.datetime "updated_at", null: false

User Experience

Teacher has the ability to organize, view, create and assign multiple Resource(s) to Student via Lesson, from a central repository of Resources.

Resources stored online based on Resource type

Audio: Soundcloud

PDF: Cloudinary

Image: Cloudinary

Video: YouTube

import React from 'react'
import Pdf from './Pdf'
import Vid from './Vid'
import Aud from './Aud'
import Aux from '../../../hoc/Aux/Aux'
import Spinner from '../../../UI/Spinner/Spinner'
import styles from './ResourceViewer.css'

const ResourceViewer = (props) => {

  let renderResource = (
    <div className={styles.Center}>
      <Spinner />
      <p>This resource has not been created yet. </p>

  if (props.resource.format === 'pdf' && props.resource.url !== 'no_url_given') {
    renderResource = <Pdf url={props.resource.url} />

  if (props.resource.format === 'vid' && props.resource.url !== 'no_url_given') {
    renderResource = <Vid url={props.resource.url} />

  if (props.resource.format === 'aud' && props.resource.url !== 'no_url_given') {
    renderResource = (
        <hr />
        <Aud resource={props.resource} />

  return (

export default ResourceViewer

Easy access to multiple resources while teaching.
Add / remove resources to lessons

Students have real-time list of all assigned Resources
Teachers see all of their Student(s), Lesson(s) and all available Resource(s)
Lesson can have multiple Resources, easy add / remove
All data is inter-related through Active Record, surfaced by Rails API and Rails Serializers
Add and Edit forms, are using Modals to enhance User Experience

Building basic React app

Folder Structure

React Container / Component folder structure for the main 4 data groups is consistently named and organized.
Each of the 4 groups has unique requirements for data and inter-relations with the other groups.
Naming conventions for folders and javascript files follow Rails restful perspective.
User Interface components are in a separate folder for reuse by any of the main component groups.

Style and Responsiveness

Styling is minimal, but clean through use of Reactstrap
Beyond Reactstrap there are several customized css files, each paired and named the same as the files they serve.
There are some global css styles in App.css, imported as "appstyles".
The layout is responsive, with the main menu collapsing into the 'hamburger' icon.


All 4 major data groups have idential Redux actions, reducers and naming conventions
As a result, it was easy to add a 5th major data group "LessonResources" which allowed the convenient feature of adding and
removing Resources to a given Lesson.


Thunk (middleware) is implemented to allow each of the 4 main data groups to have Start, Success, Fail phases for all CRUD
operations with the AP

Rails API serves all data requirements for Index, Show, Create, Update, Destroy and all possible groupings availabe through

ActiveRecord associations.
Serializers are used extensively to serve API data without any need for manipulation on the client side.
In fact, one could surf all of the various data groups throught the JSON API available in the browser.

The concept of the site is to bring as many varied resources to bear on the student as possible, all formats.

PDF files showing musical notation and ideas are easily accessible through the ResourceViewer component which serves up stateless functional components based on Audio, Video, PDF formats (format field in Resource database table).
The ResourcesList has functionality to show whether a Resource has a URL or not, disabling the SHOW button if so, based on the value in the URL field.
Resources can therefore be added quickly, even if they don't have URL information.

          {resource.url === 'no_url_given' ? (
            : (<td><button><Link
              params={{ id: }}


A custom rake file was used throughout development to allow convenient data replenishin
the command is rake db:dcms

Drop, Create, Migrate, Seed / Start

This allows for confidence in data integrity while in the throes of development and debugging.
The seed data is realistic and provides another layer of confidence during development.


Cloudinary is an excellent platform for storage and retrieval of digital artifacts, delivered to the site quickly like a CDN.
Their API provides extensive manipulation of files for integration into the site, although for this project it was only used
as means of storage and quick retrieval through custom URL's which currently hardcode in the seeds data file.
Future versions of this app would allow automatic storage, manipulation and retreival of digital files, as an added
convenience for Teachers and Students.


Mockaroo is a site where you can spin up dummy data quickly in formats that make sense with your application, and then
available for quick download in many formats.


The seeds file for this project is based on a structure in one of the Learn curriculum labs, which I expanded upon to suit the needs for this project. My strong belief is that without seed data, and a solid data model, it is akin to building on sand versus a strong data foundation.
Care was also taken in the choosing of names for data, folders and files, adhering to RESTful conventions as much as
possible. Data names also are as organic as possible reflecting their day to day usage.


I would like to explore the use of MIDI information in a 'play along' format for piano students. After nearly 2 years of hundreds of programming labs, where tests light up GREEN or RED, I believe it can be done in a similar fashion for piano students. The goal would be to capture the digital markers for a song, to use as a test measure.
The student would then play their MIDI based keyboard along with the recorded sample track, while javasript functionality compares the student performance against the recorded sample (of course, alowing for human error, enough to encourage accuracy without bogging the student down in tedious musical theory early in their development.

Observations on the Flatiron journey:

I believe that much of software programming comes down to conceptualizing what needs to happen and then finding the language and syntax to bring it into physical reality. Debugging a difficult error always follows a pattern of mystery, clues, thought, experimentation and solution.

People tend to bring their own personalities into whatever they do. Programming is no different. One has to confront their own emotions, personal inertia and adapt to the requirements of learning new languages. I have found that I work best coding along with superior programmers, followed by my own experimentation and brute force repetition of concepts until I have internalized them. My reading of material has improved greatly as a result of the Flatiron curriculum, because one is forced to think through problems, research / trial & error to solve labs.

My own history as a craftsperson pushes me to build projects and refine code instinctively. There is such a satisfaction in seeing code work in the browser especially when it does what you expected it to do!

I've learned to be more patient with things I don't know, errors I don't understand and more patient with myself when I go completely blank momentarily forgetting basic things.

The daily/weekly onslaught of constantly learning new languaes, syntax, configuration and idiosyncracies of every language gradually builds an internal mental toughness to absorb new things through all senses, not just the eyes and brain.

I plan to use my skills to improve my own life, my family's life and the lives of my clients and employers.

THANK YOU for reading this far!














